Two decades of experience beginning as a real estate broker focusing on suburban land development positioned me to find myself a college student working full time for a Fortune 500 big box retailer in their expansion efforts in acquisitions. My wealth of experience and education gained during my twenties groomed me well for the complex business, regulatory and governmental affairs side of real estate management as I was first directing the efforts for the Bureau of Manufacturing and Telco Assessment within the Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue in Madison. A year thereafter I was appointed to direct and manage all real estate activities for Wisconsin’s largest bank - operating in four states its portfolio consisted of more than 600 properties for their retail and administrative activities alone.

I’ve always been a flight enthusiast, but my years of moonlighting as a professional photographer in my father’s studio certainly established a firm foundation for the confluence of knowing how and always providing professional results. It is where my acumen and experiences are now aligned to provide my acumen and talents for the benefit of all of my clients’ needs and demands.
This pilot has not uploaded any videos into their portfolio yet.
  • DJI Mavic 2 Pro
  • DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise

Aerial Photography Drone Pilot
Droners Approved Pilot