Our company has been in the media business for a number of years, we got our start filming custom b-roll of Maryland and the surrounding areas. We adopted the UAV platform to move our cameras off the ground and into the air. This segment has quickly become our most popular tool.

We now offer aerial services including standard photography, video capture and production, and now moving into the inspection and thermography areas. Our team of pilots are all part 107 certified and most are trained in night operations as well. Our company maintains a 107.29 daylight waiver allowing night time flying. Additionally our 107.29 is tied to WAAs for most of the major airports outside of the DC-FRZ. Several of our pilots maintain North Carolina Commercial Operators Permit as well for any operations in NC.

Our owner and chief pilot is currently certified through ITC as a Level 1 Thermographer, and the company just took delivery of the new DJI M300 platform with the H20T thermal payload. Most of our pilots are current or previous emergency services personnel, and most of us have had previous thermal imaging experience.

In addition to our thermal imaging experience, most of us have had decades of combined experience in emergency operations. Most of us have also had many previous FEMA certifications and training classes giving us the knowledge to properly integrate into any emergency response.

We make every customer a top priority and enjoy collaborating on unique and different projects.




Aerial Photography Drone Pilot
Droners Approved Pilot