I have flown mapping missions at 4 elevations (125, 160, 200 275 ft agl) at North to South, East to West and at 45 deg diagonals over a 10 acre home and wooded lot. These flights resulted in over 8000 photos stiched together by WebODM generating fantastic orthophotos and 3-D images. In addition, I have flown thermal image flights and identified deer, rabbits and squirrels at 100 ft agl. I have also flown mapping projects with 10 ground control points with each the GPS for each GCP verified using a Garmin 66s with an hour GPS integration time for each GCP. My estimated error was less than 1-2 m. I have two computers that use WebODM with 32 and 64 GB ram and 4 TB of disc storage.
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Droners Approved Pilot