Greetings! I'm Pat Fisher, a Whidbey local since 2008 and Navy retiree. I love all things aviation-related and Whidbey Aerial Solutions is a trailblazer in the world of aerial photography, videography, 3D-rendering and mapping services. I received formal sUAV training through a very rigorous vocational class from Clemson University, so I'm prepared for whatever job is waiting for me. With a commitment to honesty, excellence and innovation, I bring unparalleled expertise to each project, transforming visions into reality from a groundbreaking perspective.

FAA Part 107 & BPERP certified.


  • DJI Mavic 3 Classic
  • 1" Hasselblad
This pilot has not informed any hardware yet.
This pilot has not informed any software yet.

Aerial Photography Drone Pilot
Droners Approved Pilot