Fully licensed and insured Part 107 pilot, formally instructed at Big Bend Community College's UMS degree program. Serving all of Washington State, located in Grant County.
Droners Approved
Pilot$1.0 million
insurance coverage
Veteran and minority owned business, 5+ years prior experience in ground-based real estate/family photography. 10+ years experience posting with Photoshop. Short lead times, fast turnaround times. From the Seattle area, now based in Moses Lake. Serving all of WA State, with emphases in Grant, Snohomish, and King counties and the Columbia Basin area at large.
Agriculture, Boating and water sports, Construction, Editing, Infrastructure, Real Estate, Roof Inspection, Surveying & Mapping
Insurance coverage:
$1.0 Million
Member since: June 27, 2017
This pilot has not uploaded any images into their portfolio yet.
Real Estate
Droners Approved Pilot
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