I am an ambitious pilot and have been an artist of many kinds for years. I strive to provide my clients with media that integrates creativity and functionality.
I am a photographer and cinematographer at heart and love creating media that wows. I can also fly inspection missions or anything you may need a drone for. My drone has a 4k 60fps camera and I am capable of editing footage and creating videos. I do not have any IR, Thermal, or other special capabilities.
A little about me? I have always been in love with the creative arts, and have taken every opportunity to learn about everything that I can. I have experience with; Wood sculpting, Glassblowing, Pottery, Painting, and Costume Design. I have always had a deep appreciation of the art in nature that surrounds us and am driven to capture that beauty through photography.
Looking forward to working with you!
Cinematography, Real Estate, Roof Inspection
20+ MP images, 4K video
Insurance coverage:
Not specified
Member since: April 9, 2023
This pilot has not uploaded any images into their portfolio yet.
This pilot has not uploaded any videos into their portfolio yet.
DJI Mini 3 Pro
1/1.3" CMOS
4K Video
Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud
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