Greetings! My name is JP and can be your local go-to drone guy. I’m also an instrument-rated pilot and love to fly. This carries into my drone work as well-You’ll find that I am responsive, safe and will give you quality media deliverables to help you and your business stand out. I have provided businesses & organizations with well composed photography & smooth, cinematic footage for marketing & advertising.

360 degree spherical panoramas give the viewer the ability to tilt, pan and zoom in nearly any direction from one point, in a single, interactive photo, from an elevated vantage point.

Hyper lapse & time lapse videos, as well as progress videos give viewers an impressive look at your business site, surrounding area or construction project.

I can provide developers, land owners & construction firms with high resolution aerial maps through a process called photogrammetry.

Photogrammetry and orthomosaic mapping is the process of collecting numerous, overlapping, high resolution, geo-tagged photos from an aircraft looking down at the earth's surface, then taking those images and stitching them together with intelligent software that reduces camera lens distortion and results in a single "orthomosaic" image with very high resolution. Think of it as a satellite map "10.0" with image resolutions (or more accurately, ground sampling distances (GSD)) down to 1/2 inch per pixel as compared to typical satellite GSDs measured in feet per pixel. The result? A much more detailed look at your property and a very respectable level of "relative accuracy" or accuracy of measurements within the map. Measure linear distances, areas and even volumes or voids in your map. (No survey grade mapping provided/no ground control points).

  Cinematography, Construction, Editing, Ground Collection

  • Autel EVO II Pro
  • 1" CMOS
This pilot has not informed any hardware yet.
This pilot has not informed any software yet.

Aerial Photography Drone Pilot
Droners Approved Pilot