I have had a long-time love of aviation. I acquired my Private Pilot's license at a fairly young age. But, due to life have been away from it for a while. Drones have been a way to get back into the world of aviation. I have had many years of experience documenting test setups, procedures, and results with photography as a mechanical engineer. Lately drones have helped give a new perspective through aerial photo documentation. I enjoy any type of project that gets the drone in the air.
Work experience:
Real estate aerial photography
Insurance claims inspection
Mapping missions
I am a certified drone pilot for seven drone service providers.

Experience with flying apps:
DJI Go 4
DJI Pilot – autonomous mapping missions
Litchi – pre-planned autonomous flights
Drone Base Pilot
IMGING – Loveland Innovations

Other drone apps:

Insurance claims inspections – roof -ground exterior – interior
Real estate aerial photography
Commercial property inspections – overall site – roof – façade – drive ways/parking lots

Verifly – flight insurance - $1 M coverage
$1 M general liability coverage for ground work


  Boating And Water Sports, Event, Real Estate, Roof Inspection

Aerial Photography Drone Pilot
Droners Approved Pilot