Mr. Galten is a certified FAA sUAS Remote Pilot authorized to function as the Pilot in Charge (PIC) for drone operations. Mr. Galten focuses on the capture and management of airspace data including geo-referencing and mapping.

William Galten also recently served as a Senior Project Manager for the Public Safety and Law Enforcement solutions business area within GeoDecisions, a division of Gannett Fleming (2006-2018). His primary duties included senior project management services and subject matter expertise for public safety clients around the globe. In addition, Mr. Galten is responsible for GIS solution design, development and implementation. Mr. Galten supports customers within the Department of Defense, Homeland Security as well as State, County, and Local EOC, Law Enforcement and Public Safety organizations. Mr. Galten’s police operations experience focuses development efforts ensuring the resulting solutions provided measurable value and return on investment. Mr. Galten has completed project management and or subject matter expert services in the United States, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mr. Galten is a geographic information systems expert (GIS) focusing upon digital mapping and analytics.

Prior to joining GeoDecisions, Mr. Galten served for over 25 years with the Ocean City, Maryland Police Department (OCPD) rising through the ranks until he was appointed to a position as a direct adjunct to the Chief of Police. Mr. Galten implemented the agency wide GIS based CompStat Accountability program, reducing crime and increasing the efficiency of resources. During his service with the OCPD, Mr. Galten held a variety of leadership assignments including Traffic Safety Sergeant, Fatal Crash Investigator, Accident Reconstructionist, and Patrol Division Commander, Lieutenant. Mr. Galten served the University of North Florida, Institute of Police Traffic Management (IPTM) as a nationwide Accident Reconstruction Instructor. Mr. Galten has been recognized as an Accident Reconstruction Expert in several Maryland courts including Worcester County, Md., Baltimore County, MD., and Somerset County, MD.

Mr. Galten holds an Associate of Arts in criminal justice. Mr. Galten is a graduate of the Sothern Police Institute Administrative Officers Course (103rd) a nationally recognized police command curriculum within the University of Louisville, School of Law. Mr. Galten is a State of Md Licensed Private Detective, #101-25840.
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