
My name is Tim and I currently reside in North San Diego County. What I offer is over five years worth of experience pertaining to the safe and effective operation of both manned and unmanned aircraft. I am commercially rated as both a Part 107 UAS operator as well as a Part 91 Pilot. Currently I do work for the government teaching the military how to fly surveillance UAS. With that comes a level of proficiency, and a variety of experience operating in various environments. With over two-hundred flight hours logged in unmanned aircraft alone every aircraft that was launched made it back safetly. Aside from experience alone, I also offer fixed rates for realestate photography and am open to discuss any other projects with you in further detail. Contact me today for an easy experience from start to finish.

~ Tim


  • DJI Mini 3 Pro
This pilot has not informed any sensor yet.
This pilot has not informed any hardware yet.
This pilot has not informed any software yet.

Aerial Photography Drone Pilot
Droners Approved Pilot