Born and raised in West Texas I have been a drone hobbyist and in 2021 became licensed with my Part 107 allowing me to pursue paid work with my drone. I’m flexible with my time and aim to earn repeat clients with my high quality work. I always seek to understand what my client is looking for by providing good communication and asking questions never assuming. My job is not done until I know you are happy with the work you receive. I hope to earn your business and look forward to working with you!

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  Real Estate

  Real Estate

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Robert D.
5.0 (13)   41 jobs posted


Nov. 3, 2023
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Jennifer H.
5.0 (117)   248 jobs posted


Noe was great to work with. Delivered excellent photos with a very short turnaround request. Would love to work with him again!

Oct. 17, 2023
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Anna S.
5.0 (237)   1,027 jobs posted


Amazing work, one of my favourite pilots!

April 20, 2023
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Anna S.
5.0 (237)   1,027 jobs posted


Great pilot, highly recommend!

April 14, 2023
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Susie W.
5.0 (86)   161 jobs posted


Great photos and quick turnaround! A pleasure to work with!

March 16, 2023
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S. R.
4.9 (3,739)   16,964 jobs posted


Great to work with!

March 13, 2023
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Wayne F.
5.0 (22)   61 jobs posted


Roe with very good to work with. He did a really good job of combining the operational and creative part of this mission. I would definitely hire him again if the opportunity presented itself.

Sept. 5, 2022
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Aerial Photography Drone Pilot
Droners Approved Pilot